NDI Medical

Devices & Diagnostics

NDI Medical launches spinoff to optimize deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease

In the decade since the FDA cleared the first deep brain stimulation device to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (Medtronic’s Activa), it’s become established a safe, effective option along the spectrum of care. But Geoff Thrope, the founder and managing director of venture and commercialization firm NDI Medical LLC, said that technology hasn’t changed much […]

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A look at Northeast Ohio’s growing neurotechnology industry

Cleveland Clinic neuromodulation spinoff Intelect Medical may have stealthily exited Cleveland to set up shop in Boston, but the company's recent $78 million sale to Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) highlights Northeast Ohio's growing strength in neurotechnology. Here's a brief overview of the key players in Northeast Ohio's rising neurotechnology industry.